0900 – 1000


Pre-assessment of the subject knowledge
Major time / minor time | concepts
Reactive & proactive approaches towards work

1000 – 1100

Recognize key accountabilities & tasks
Being aware of the impact of your work at org.
Brainstorming / questions & answers

1100 – 1200

What is a monkey / identification of monkeys
What is the process / the monkey process
Brainstorming / questions & answers

1200 – 1300

Managing other people’s monkeys
How do we prioritise tasks and objectives
Brainstorming / questions & answers


1400 – 1500


Day plan / month plan / year plan
Low productivity tasks / high productivity tasks
Brainstorming / questions & answers

1500 – 1600

Short time objectives / long time objectives
Value addition through your task management
Brainstorming / questions & answers

1600 – 1630

Being productive manager at work
How to delegate effectively and be a LEADER.
Brainstorming / activities / discussion

1630 – 1700

Managing other people’s monkeys
How do we prioritise tasks and objectives
Brainstorming / questions & answers

0900 – 1000 Basic understanding about procrastination
Why do we procrastinate in real life?
Brainstorming / discussion / activity
1400 – 1500 Define your future actions / stay ahead
Avoiding chronic procrastination
Brainstorming / discussion / activity
1000 – 1100 The impact of procrastination on my success
Reasons & causes of being procrastinator.
Brainstorming / discussion / activity
1500 – 1600 Improve your productivity & performance
Learn more skills at work with professionalism
Brainstorming / discussion / activity
1100 – 1200 The procrastination action-line
Recognising the procrastinating factors
Brainstorming / discussion / activity
1600 – 1630 Keeping task list organized
Building reliable connections
Brainstorming / discussion / activity
1200 – 1300 Reward for immediate response
Consequences of procrastination
Brainstorming / discussion / activity
1630 – 1700 Brainstorming / questions & answers
Conducting post test / final training evaluation
Participants feedback / certificate distribution


Procrastination is a challenge we all have faced at one point or another. If humans, have been around, we have been struggling with delaying, avoiding, and procrastinating on issues that matter to us. During our more productive moments, when we temporarily figure out how to stop procrastinating, we feel satisfied and accomplished. This course is all about being productive by avoiding procrastination using modern tools and techniques. The purpose of this training is to break down the science behind why we procrastinate, share proven frameworks you can use to beat procrastination, and cover useful strategies that will make it easier to act. Participants will be able to become more productive in less time by being aware of the factors to avoid to not procrastinate.


Participants are going to get following learning benefits by attending this training course.
‣ They will be able to understand the importance of work delegation.
‣ They will be able to do and complies more tasks in the future as compared to their current performance.
‣ They will focus on leadership things more rather than firefighting with run to failure approach or daily routine petty things.


This training program is specially designed for following professionals to attend and acquire new skills to grow in their career while working in any corporate office environment.
‣ Managers
‣ Supervisors
‣ Leader leaders
‣ Senior managers
‣ Management / departments heads
‣ Sales staff