0900 – 1000


Pre-assessment of the subject knowledge
Major time / minor time | concepts
Reactive & proactive approaches towards work

1000 – 1100

Recognize key accountabilities & tasks
Being aware of the impact of your work at org.
Brainstorming / questions & answers

1100 – 1200

What is a monkey / identification of monkeys
What is the process / the monkey process
Brainstorming / questions & answers

1200 – 1300

Managing other people’s monkeys
How do we prioritise tasks and objectives
Brainstorming / questions & answers


1400 – 1500


Day plan / month plan / year plan
Low productivity tasks / high productivity tasks
Brainstorming / questions & answers

1500 – 1600

Short time objectives / long time objectives
Value addition through your task management
Brainstorming / questions & answers

1600 – 1630

Being productive manager at work
How to delegate effectively and be a LEADER.
Brainstorming / activities / discussion

1630 – 1700

Managing other people’s monkeys
How do we prioritise tasks and objectives
Brainstorming / questions & answers

0900 – 1000 What is financial management
The financial management system development
Brainstorming / questions & answers
1400 – 1500 Use “the numbers” to your best advantage to
make more informed financial decisions
Brainstorming / questions & answers
1000 – 1100 Assess company performance by understanding
annual financial statements.
Brainstorming / questions & answers
1500 – 1600 Understand the language associated with finance
Using financial terms and analysis techniques
Brainstorming / questions & answers
1100 – 1200 Understanding the time value of money
Understanding of the balance sheet, profit & loss.
Brainstorming / questions & answers
1600 – 1630 Recognize the link between organisational
strategy and financial objectives
Brainstorming / questions & answers
1200 – 1300 Understanding concepts like inflation, exchange
rates fluctuation, tax system, financial capital – etc
Brainstorming / questions & answers
1630 – 1700 Basic planning and budgeting skills
Final training evaluation
Participants feedback / certificate distribution


Finance for “Non-financial Managers” is a training session for those who want to understand key financial principles and apply them in a real-world context. Over the course of the program, you will work your way through a series of modules that move from understanding basic financial principles to applying financial analysis and ratios to drive decisions.

In addition, each module is capped with an ending self-evaluation to ensure that you have absorbed the above mentioned key learning objectives. After the session, participants will have an in depth knowledge of all important principles related to financial management required in everyday work-life.


Participants are going to get following benefits by attending this training course.
‣ They will understand the language associated with finance & financial management.
‣ They will better know how & when to use financial terms and analysis techniques.
‣ They will be able to read and assess company’s performance using financial statements.
‣ They will be able to recognize the link between organisational strategy and financial objectives


This training program is designed for following professionals to attend and get benefit.
‣ Managers working in the following decisions.
‣ Sales Managers
‣ HR Managers
‣ Production managers
‣ Operation managers
‣ Administration managers
‣ Department heads
‣ Accounts managers.